Error, it saysCannot find module '~/utils/logger' imported from


I’m trying to install
I’m facing the problem you can see in the pic when I try to open local:5173

Welcome @SohailBaloch,

dont know what exactly goes wrong here. Maybe you missed something. Before investigating more, try to take a look at my Installation Video for Windows and if you still figuring out problems, let me know and we investigate further:

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Bro I deleted everything and started again doing what you have done In the video, and now I’m getting this error


Bro now I’m facing this issue.
I tried to open vite.cinfiq.ts file but it’s present in media form, which can’t be opened

Any videos for installing on a Mac?
I checked a few on Youtube and also followed the instructions listed on the git, but still can’t get it to install my updated Mac.
I posted here as well looking for some help.

I also saw that message on my other computer. I had the app open overnight and noticed it this morning as well.

you have to open it with right-click an open with an editor. but dont think this will help.

can you please give me some more infos:

  • do the following commands in terminal and provide the output here
  • node --version
  • npm --version
  • winver

did you for sure use PNPM to install and not NPM? (it makes a differnce)
did you for sure installed the latest Microsoft Redis C++ as mentioned in the video?

@getkwikr247 you checked a few videos, but looks like you did not check my video, because I explicitly show what the problem is with this error :smiley:

Take a look: