I could use some help installing

I’m on a Macbook Pro. I have xcode, Chrome Canary and Node.js installed.
I had to download the bolt.diy zip file because Terminal won’t let me run the git clone.
It ‘looks’ like it was installed, but when I try to run the ‘npm run dev’ I get more errors and no URL for local access shows up.
(I’d attach screenshots, but I get a popup saying I can only do attachments to a post.)

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Hi @getkwikr247,

just postet it in the other topic you wrote, but here again => check my install video for mac:

=> pretty sure your problem is that you run NPM instead of as documented PNPM to install :wink:

Installed failed on your 2nd step, after password, and then trying to install brew.

Did you try the recommended steps the error tells?

git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallow
brew update

Okay…starting over again. I guess the Homebrew in related to Ruby/Rails…seemd to be installing, but taking a while…almost 10mins in. Will keep you posted.
I really appreciate the help/support. Thank you.

your welcome. Yes ChatGPT also told me that will take some time.

now I’m stuck on the “npm install -g pnpm”…I’ve double/triple checked and I do have admin access, but still getting errors…

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what do you mean with you have admin access? you are logged in as mcarty, which is not root. So if you are not login as root directly, you need to use sudo to execute commands as admin/root.

So you need this command:
sudo npm install -g pnpm

Okay. That seem to be working.
Note: I’m not a developer. I’m a UX/Product Designer by trade.
This week is the first time I’m ever using Terminal.
Thanks for you understanding.

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No problem :slight_smile: … Thats why I tried to do as detailed as possible in the video. But I understand that it can happen to oversee something :wink:

Just try to doublecheck the steps I do in the video, so you do the same commands.

I don’t mind being a tester. :slight_smile:
All was good until I ran the ‘pnpm run dev’…I get no local URL for access. ‘Command failed with exit code 1’

Can you do a node -v please. I think you not running Version 22 as recommended in my video :wink:

I did…v22 dot 13 dot 0
Screen Shot 2025-01-12 at 2.56.28 PM

thats good.

try this:

rm -rf node_modules pnpm-lock.yaml
pnpm install

it will delete the node_modules and reinstall everything.

That seem to have ran, then I get this after running the dev.
the right screenshot…sorry.

looks like something messed up, maybe cause of the previouse errors with brew.

Try this:

brew uninstall node
brew install node

A quick search told me also this => Update macOS Developer Tools: Sometimes Xcode or its command-line tools need an update::

xcode-select --install

PS: I am not a mac user :smiley: … just did the video on the laptop of my wife :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay…trying your suggestions now. I have Xcode 13.2.1 install, just waiting fot he brew install to finish before trying xcode update again.

So, after the very long reinstall of brew…still no luck. :frowning:
Xcode is also confirmed as installed.

hmm stupid mac :smiley:

Delete your bolt.diy directory and start from scratch.

then try these 2 commands (first is logging in as root at all, clones and installs it again):

sudo su
npm install -g pnpm && git clone -b stable https://github.com/stackblitz-labs/bolt.diy  && cd bolt.diy && pnpm install && pnpm run dev

If this also not helping maybe @wonderwhy.er can help out here, as I know he´s also on a mac :slight_smile:

What is ‘sudo su’?..do I type/run that after I delete the bolt.diy folder…before the npm install…?