Can I install in Termux android

I tried with Termux and proot-distro but it doesn’t work maybe I’m doing something wrong can anyone help me install it

Hi @RandomCodezz,

you mean or The community is about the open source project

If you really got a problem with, open in the corresponding git pls.

Yeah i mistyped

Ok, what specific error do you get? what is not working?

root@localhost:~/ pnpm run dev

> bolt@0.0.5 dev /root/
> node pre-start.cjs  && remix vite:dev

          B O L T . D I Y
         ⚡️  Welcome  ⚡️

📍 Current Version Tag: v"0.0.5"
📍 Current Commit Version: "d62e211"
  Please wait until the URL appears here
 warn  Data fetching is changing to a single fetch in React Router v7
┃ You can use the `v3_singleFetch` future flag to opt-in early.
┃ ->
18041 external/com_google_tcmalloc/tcmalloc/] MmapAligned() failed - unable to allocate with tag (hint=0xf8880000000, size=1073741824, alignment=1073741824) - is something limiting address placement?
18041 external/com_google_tcmalloc/tcmalloc/] CHECK in Alloc: FATAL ERROR: Out of memory trying to allocate internal tcmalloc data (bytes=131072, object-size=640); is something preventing mmap from succeeding (sandbox, VSS limitations)?
MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.
    at Miniflare2.#assembleAndUpdateConfig (/root/
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at Mutex.runWith (/root/
    at Miniflare2.#waitForReady (/root/
    at Miniflare2._getProxyClient (/root/
    at Miniflare2.getBindings (/root/
    at getPlatformProxy (/root/
    at configureServer (/root/
    at _createServer (file:///root/
    at configResolved (/root/
    at async Promise.all (index 3)
    at resolveConfig (file:///root/
    at _createServer (file:///root/
    at dev (/root/
    at Object.viteDev (/root/
    at (/root/ {
  cause: undefined
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

Do this command please and provide the output:

~ $ termux-info

Termux Variables:
Packages CPU architecture:
Subscribed repositories:
# sources.list
deb stable main
Updatable packages:
apt/stable 2.8.1-1 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.7.14]
bash/stable 5.2.37 aarch64 [upgradable from: 5.2.26-1]
ca-certificates/stable 1:2024.12.31 all [upgradable from: 1:2024.03.11-2]
command-not-found/stable 2.4.0-59 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.4.0-29]
coreutils/stable 9.5-3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 9.5]
curl/stable 8.11.1 aarch64 [upgradable from: 8.8.0]
debianutils/stable 5.21 aarch64 [upgradable from: 5.19]
dpkg/stable 1.22.6-1 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.22.6]
ed/stable 1.21 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.20.2]
findutils/stable 4.10.0 aarch64 [upgradable from: 4.9.0-2]
gpgv/stable 2.4.5-3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.4.5-1]
inetutils/stable 2.5 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.4-1]
less/stable 668 aarch64 [upgradable from: 633-1]
libandroid-support/stable 29 aarch64 [upgradable from: 28-3]
libassuan/stable 3.0.1-2 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.5.7]
libc++/stable 27c aarch64 [upgradable from: 26b]
libcurl/stable 8.11.1 aarch64 [upgradable from: 8.8.0]
libgcrypt/stable 1.11.0 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.10.3]
libgmp/stable 6.3.0-1 aarch64 [upgradable from: 6.3.0]
libgpg-error/stable 1.50 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.49]
liblz4/stable 1.10.0 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.9.4]
liblzma/stable 5.6.3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 5.6.2]
libnettle/stable 3.10 aarch64 [upgradable from: 3.9.1]
libnghttp2/stable 1.64.0 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.62.1]
libnghttp3/stable 1.7.0 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.3.0]
libsmartcols/stable 2.40.2-2 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.39.3-4]
libssh2/stable 1.11.1 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.11.0]
libtirpc/stable 1.3.6 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.3.4-1]
libunbound/stable 1.22.0 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.20.0]
libunistring/stable 1.3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.1]
lsof/stable 4.99.4 aarch64 [upgradable from: 4.99.3]
nano/stable 8.3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 8.0]
openssl/stable 1:3.3.2 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1:3.2.1-1]
patch/stable 2.7.6-4 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.7.6-3]
readline/stable 8.2.13 aarch64 [upgradable from: 8.2.10]
termux-am/stable 0.8.0-1 all [upgradable from: 0.8.0]
termux-keyring/stable 3.12-1 all [upgradable from: 3.12]
termux-tools/stable 1.44.6 all [upgradable from: 1.42.4]
util-linux/stable 2.40.2-2 aarch64 [upgradable from: 2.39.3-4]
xxhash/stable 0.8.3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 0.8.2]
xz-utils/stable 5.6.3 aarch64 [upgradable from: 5.6.2]
zstd/stable 1.5.6-2 aarch64 [upgradable from: 1.5.6]
termux-tools version:
Android version:
Kernel build information:
Linux localhost 5.10.218-android12-9-00041-g124993efd06e-ab12385094 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 16 20:00:18 UTC 2024 aarch64 Android
Device manufacturer:
Device model:
motorola edge 40 neo
LD Variables:
Installed termux plugins:
com.termux.x11 versionCode:15
~ $

thx, try these to settings before starting with pnpm run dev:

export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=2048"
pnpm run dev

root@localhost:~/ export NODE_OPTIONS=“–max-old-space-size=2048”
root@localhost:~/ export TCMALLOC_DISABLE=1
root@localhost:~/ pnpm run dev

bolt@0.0.5 dev /root/
node pre-start.cjs && remix vite:dev

B O L T . D I Y
:zap: Welcome :zap:

:round_pushpin: Current Version Tag: v"0.0.5"
:round_pushpin: Current Commit Version: “d62e211”
Please wait until the URL appears here
warn Data fetching is changing to a single fetch in React Router v7
┃ You can use the v3_singleFetch future flag to opt-in early.
┃ → Future Flags (v2.13.1) | Remix

5424 external/com_google_tcmalloc/tcmalloc/] MmapAligned() failed - unable to allocate with tag (hint=0xd8700000000, size=1073741824, alignment=1073741824) - is something limiting address placement?
5424 external/com_google_tcmalloc/tcmalloc/] CHECK in Alloc: FATAL ERROR: Out of memory trying to allocate internal tcmalloc data (bytes=131072, object-size=640); is something preventing mmap from succeeding (sandbox, VSS limitations)?
MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.
at Miniflare2.#assembleAndUpdateConfig (/root/
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at Mutex.runWith (/root/
at Miniflare2.#waitForReady (/root/
at Miniflare2.getProxyClient (/root/
at Miniflare2.getBindings (/root/
at getPlatformProxy (/root/
at configureServer (/root/
at createServer (file:///root/
at configResolved (/root/
at async Promise.all (index 3)
at resolveConfig (file:///root/
at createServer (file:///root/
at dev (/root/
at Object.viteDev (/root/
at (/root/ {
cause: undefined
ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1.

Please help me run it

Just saw you also using an older NodeJS version, what could also make problems. Make sure you are on Version 22.

Other then that you can try these variables:

export LD_PRELOAD=""

But its just try and error, as I cant this and I think there are also no other people trying to install it on android so far.

If nothing works, I would recommend just deploy it on Cloudflare and use from there.

How to deploy on cloud flair it’s free?

It’s not working my node js version is v22.12.0

ok, then I would recommend trying cloudflare. Its free to deploy yes, but some steps to do, see:

Thank you so much Sir

1 Like

How to add google key

Google API Key:
Not Set (Please set via UI or ENV_VAR)

What is the variables

On the GitHub .env.example has this

Get your Google Generative AI API Key by following these instructions -

You only need this environment variable set if you want to use Google Generative AI models


But this is different i want Gimini

1 Like

And my site is live and i have added open ai key but it’s giving

There was an error processing your request: An error occurred.

When I’m sending anything

Take a look here where also linked youtube videos from me how to use gemini: Videos / Tutorial / Helpful Content

To be fair, I think I did the same thing the first time. Google’s API platform is a pain, but it’s actually Google AI Studio that you are looking for.

You can also get a GitHub (Azure) API key free for access to ChatGPT 4o, Mistral and others by creating an PAT (Personal Access Token).

And a final note: Anthropic, OpenAI, etc. require you to have a payment method setup with credits available for them to work.

is it running on termux ??