I seem to have Archon MCP successfully installed on Cursor running on Docker. The Streamlit UI is showing empty env variables and I had to go and copy over all the values into a .env file as it didn’t save on its own.
But the Docker containers running on 8100 and the MCP seems to be live! The Pydantic docs successfully are chunked and stored in Supabase.
Except when I switch projects and try to call the MCP to use Archon in Cursor. I get “Error executing tool run_agent…connection aborted…”
Cursor’s attempt to get console and network logs from the MCP failed. It’s telling me that thread creation works but something else isn’t.
Error -32001 is the most specific error I’ve gotten after trying to restart all the Docker containers. “The MCP is running correctly, but when it tries to connect to the main Archon service (which should be running on port 8100), the connection is being aborted.”
Given that I’m getting green lights everywhere else, might there be an easy reason for this problem after having moved into another project?
It would seem that something wasn’t properly set up even after working through Streamlit UI and saving everything.