Simple deploy of Bolt.dyi via Netlify

Hey everyone, wanted to see if there was an easy way I could connect the github repo to deploy with Netlify? Followed normal process connecting repo to netlify, but keep getting a 404 error.

Looking to use to customize my Bolt.dyi app.

Thanks for the help in advance.


till we are integrating netilfy as native plugin, you can use this hack:

use the terminal in the workbench to deploy to netlify
here are the steps

npm install netlify-cli -D
npm install netlify-cli -D
npx netlify deploy

notice I am installing the netlify cli twice, thats intentional, and tested. it does not work the first time


Hi Mike

Did you get any further with this. I had the same issue and because mine was a React app, it’s an SPA and the build was wrong.