Setting up your first n8n client

Yo ThinkTank,
Nick here. Diving headfirst into n8n and building a side hustle around it (this thing’s addictive!). My clients are mostly real estate agents and small biz owners – awesome folks, but not exactly tech wizards.
Here’s the deal: Need to connect their Gmail, but setting up GCP credentials for each one… talk about a headache! How do you guys handle this without losing your minds (or clients)?

  • Manage credentials under your own project?
  • Walk them through GCP setup (and pray they don’t accidentally delete their whole account)?
  • Most importantly, how do you convince them you’re not reading their emails in your underwear?
    Hit me with your pro tips!

I saw this pro tip on a YouTube video and it worked a treat. At the start of the project arrange a call with your client and connect all the credentials to n8n while you are on the call.

As an example from my last job, I was on the call and my client gave me his login and I entered GCP and set everything up while talking with him. I had practised the set up and had a bullet point list to follow and it was actually super quick, around 2 minutes.

In my case I am self hosting n8n with and doing a completely separate installation for each client.

It is a good question about reading their emails in your underwear. You do have to acknowledge there is a lot of trust involved. Having service agreements and privacy policies would help. Generally acting professional throughout the process is going to help too.

For my last job I recorded a short 1 minute video of the workflow so he could see what was happening and he absolutely LOVED that!


Hey thanks alot for your reply! Honestly there is many tutorials on how to build but would be interesting to see final deployment. Meaning connecting frontend to backend and final setup for new clients. I see that what im getting into is nothing compared to my early days of setting up a static or dynamic website. loll