Sable Builds vs Development Builds


I noticed there are many repeat issues being raised. Most of them stem from the fact that there isn’t a stable/production build available.

Maybe the team should come up with a process to keep a stable build which people can clone to prevent a poor experience new users.

I say this because the development version is broken today for Ollama and the import files feature doesn’t work.

Rusty, when you are working with innovation, there is never a one solution fits all. The only certainty is, if it works in a docker container it will work anywhere.

The reason for this is, most of us using Linux are using Jammy and a lot of these releases coming out no matter what, are aimed at Alpine, Why? Because that is the Linux OS that docker uses.

Thanks for the input! We can certainly consider a stable branch. That said, you can always pull a commit that was working better for you, you just might not have some feature or other fix. As we are moving very quickly there will be some breakage, but we are working to improve the process across the board.

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