Question about multiple .VF files

I was wondering if I could participate using two Voiceflow projects that are part of the same solution. One of the Voiceflow files would be published on the Live Agent Studio, and the other (please tell me this is allowed, haha) would be deployed on an external website. I’d prefer not to share the idea publicly—is there a way I can discuss this with an admin? Also, a VF project accepts live agent studio without manual settings? Thank you!

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Great question - yes you can certainly do this! As long as you are okay with users using your second external Voiceflow agent when testing your agent during the community voting period.

And yes, Voiceflow agents work for the Live Agent Studio without additional configuration! I integrate directly with their Dialog API.

Thanks! Just to clarify, I wanted to ask to better understand: am I allowed to upload only ONE of the Voiceflow projects to the official Live Agent Studio (what the community sees)? For it to work, the first VF project would need to create a link that directs users to the second VF project.

Also, if I deploy my second VF project on a webpage and share everything with you, will the project ID change? Would that require updating the website as well? Sorry for all the questions—I just don’t want to mess anything up, haha.

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No you’re good, I appreciate the questions!

If you need two different agents up for your submission, we can do that. So you can upload two VF projects if you wish. Am I understanding that right?

The project ID of whatever Voiceflow project you share with us will change since we will host it for you.

Thank you! I just want to confirm: Agent A should be public for the community, while Agent B will only be accessed through links generated by Agent A on an external website. Since the Project ID for hosting will change, can we coordinate during setup so I can update the links accordingly? That way I could set up the correct project ID in the website

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Okay yes that makes sense, I appreciate you clarifying!

Yes, we can certainly coordinate.

I really appreciate the clarity of your answers and your patience.

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No problem at all! Great questions and I can’t wait to see your submission!

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Hey Colin! Just in case, I wanted to let you know that I’ve already uploaded my agent, so we can coordinate whenever you’re available. Everything is also in the documentation!

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Sounds good! What email did you submit under?

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Great! My email:

Thanks! Pretty crazy busy right now working with all the submissions and getting them up but I will email you once I have your project up and get you the project ID.