PSA for GIT Tokens

If you have set up a GIT token so you can upload to GIT etc then be aware that your token will expire at some point (unless you selected “no expiration”).

When your token nears it’s expiration date you will receive an email notification with a button you can click to begin the process of regenerating your token.

Regeneration does not extend your existing token, it will create a new token.

This means you will need to re-establish the permissions that were applied to your original token. If you don’t do this then you will have problems.

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@Freffles I think thats not true in each case. you can disable the expire date when creating it:

100% correct, I forgot to point that out.

I’m was assuming that many people new to GIT would have just used the defaults.

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Good, but also to mention => you get a Mail also when it is expires. So everyone should see this unless you use a mail that you dont monitor :slight_smile:

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