Page refresh causes rebuild of all chat steps

when refreshing the page, or reopening the browser, or even when moving from one chat to the other - the rebuild the whole code base from the first message in the chat up until the end, it literally plays the whole chat, it is annoying and time consuming,

  1. is it a bug or a feature
  2. can it be deactivated
  3. if i have a very very long chat, can i just export the last part so i can import it and by that bypass the whole “chat movie” thing


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Welcome @warehousehd,

works as designed. the projects are regenerated by chat history. You can export the projects and just import the folder instead (or pulling from git).

bummer, but thanks for the fast reply


Feel free to open a feature discussion here: [] New Features Discussion - oTTomator Community

or within the git an issue, so the dev team can consider / think over it: