Open Source the Chat Function

Hey @ColeMedin ,

Any chance that you could open source the chat function that you use within the Live Studio. I think you said you build that with Next.js. Just thinking that testing our agent with that kind of chat front-end would help in our development. And I’m not sure where to start building that front end using Next.js as I starting learning n8n.

Hopefully that is not a lot of work for you.
Thanks for the consideration.
~ Pat

Hey @pat_Shanks,

dont know if he will, but you just can use to let it program for you.

I gave it a quick try (1min):

  • Screenhot the website chat
  • choose the next.js starter template at bottom of the page (need to be on the main branch)
  • Tell it to implement the chatinterface in the image

Basic Chat-UI ready:

=> just iterate/tell the ai what to implement/fix next


I guess I’ll need to look, learn, and understand how will work. Thanks.

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There are a view videos from cole and also some other tutorials for installing it:

@pat_Shanks I’ll also add that you won’t need the frontend to develop your agent for the hackathon, though it will sure help!

I’m also planning on implementing a part of the Live Agent Studio for you to hook up your own agent and Supabase DB! So it’ll be very easy to test your agent with the same interface without having to build a frontend yourself.


@pat_Shanks Check out agent 0 on the Live Agent Studio now!