New user - running into a lot of issues

Hello, I have almost zero coding knowledge. Came across from YouTube as I want to build what I think is a simple app. I have installed it on Cloudflare watching one of the YouTube tutorials. But I keep running into a lot of issues and errors. I have tried using multiple AIs (DeepSeek, Gemini, etc.) but still the errors don’t go away. And it also appears to be very slow cause as I see it, whenever I give it a prompt, it starts ‘creating’ all the files again instead of just editing the ones it needs to but that’s okay, I can accept it being slow but what do I do about all the errors and issues?

Try looking in the terminal of to see what error details are mentioned.

I would also suggest to check out this guide from leex279:

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Hi and Welcome @jas,

I would recommend using version 0.0.3 of bolt, as the newer versions currently facing some problems which are investigated. Maybe you got the same.

Also maybe just run it first locally and if everything works push it to cloudflare.