I am having issues with bolt.diy when trying to run my downloaded LLMs through ollama, and would appreciate it if someone can point out what I need to do to fix my setup.
I started by cloning the [ai-agents-masterclass] repo, then modified the docker-compose.yml to include bolt.diy by adding these lines
My docker container, in addition the n8n, ollama, flowise…etc. also includes bolt now.
After the container setup, I included the ollama base URL in the provider however when I check the Debug tab I see that ollama is enabled but is not running
@namaenonai Basically, it’s because your docker host port doesn’t match.
Either modify the “ports” section to 11434:11434 (in/out). So 5173:11434 also works. And this is the default, so Bolt.diy should detect the port automatically.
Modify the “Base URL” in the Bolt.diy settings to match (you could also set this in the .env.local):
However now when checking the logs I can see that there are many issues related to API.
I also that there is no tags (probably a tags.ts??) file in my bolt.diy path app/routes/
I believe you put an extra slash (there shouldn’t be one at the end): https://host.docker.internal:11434/ should be https://host.docker.internal:11434
Also, can you provide the settings where you set this? Just for clarifications because there are several ways you can set things (Docker, Bolt.diy Settings, .env.local, a combination, etc.). And maybe also the debug log from Bolt.diy settings as well (has to be enabled).
As one more troubleshooting step, I would personally make sure Ollama is running, using the correct URL/PORT, and returns a response (command line). The quick test would be browsing to http://host.docker.internal:11434 in your browser should return “Ollama is running.”
Also, you may want to just test http://localhost:11434 because this is still all just running on the same machine (I assume).
Your last message pointed me to the right fix. I had an issue with my .env in bolt.diy.
By resetting the settings and running bolt again the issues were fixed and now I can use it no problem.