⚠️ Issue: Excessive Token Usage in Bolt Chat for Fixing File Issues

When I use Bolt in my application to fix an issue in a specific file, such as ProfilePage.tsx, and Bolt modifies exactly this file, an excessive number of tokens are consumed during the process.

For example, in one instance:

Tokens Used: 198,539 (Prompt: 195,482, Completion: 3,057).

However, when I calculate the token usage for this file using the OpenAI Model (gpt-4o) Tokenizer, the result is significantly lower:

  • Tokens Calculated: 2,378
  • Characters: 11,491

This discrepancy in token usage is concerning and seems inefficient. Could this be a bug or an issue with how Bolt processes the file?

Looking forward to your feedback! :blush:

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Hi @heinz,

unfortunately this is the current state of bolt.diy. It does not have diff etc. the moment but there are several optimizations in development and already PRs present, e.g. feat: enhance context handling by adding code context selection and implementing summary generation by thecodacus · Pull Request #1091 · stackblitz-labs/bolt.diy · GitHub

So at the moment it works as expected. You can try out new/experimental features in main branch and with settings:

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Thank you for your detailed response! I appreciate the information regarding the token usage and the ongoing optimizations. It’s great to hear that improvements are being made.

However, what I don’t understand is how the high token consumption occurs and what is sent to the LLM when only one code file is affected by a change. In bolt.new, this was handled better. I look forward to testing the experimental features in the Main Branch.

Thanks again for your support!

Best regards

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At the moment the whole project is sent to the LLM, so all files and all chat history every time.

The context optimization does summarize that and reduce token.

bolt.new does have already DIFF sending feature, what we dont have yet.

the prompt tokens includes the system prompt as well as the the entire chat history which includes all the writes and rewrites of file content done till now. so if your chat is long the token usage increases.
but like @leex279 said we are working on experimental context optimization which aims to reduce this

Hi folks

Firstly, can I just say how cool Bolt.diy is - coming over from Pinegrow (which is good too) it’s a heck of a lot quicker to learn/experiment with.

Now, probably a dumb question - I am using deepseek (although also was with GPT4.0) but my queries (even really simple) are turning out really fat, and i’m hitting the max token error on almost every submission? I cleared chat history and reimported my project as per last download (it’s still small and rudimentary - i’m no coder (obvs)).

I couldn’t see how to trim, or limit the query size sent to GPT, so tried deekseek (higher limits) but soon hit them too

I’m clearly doing something wrong here (p.s. also used AI enhance prompt where i could too).

I’m installed without docker (if that impacts)

Any pointers/guidance i’d be most gratefully

Thank you

Hi @GJW,
you not doing something wrong. The feature is very new and without it was/is like you describe, cause bolt sent always everything again to the llm.

Yesterday came the new v0.0.6 Version. Make sure you got these and activate the Context Optimization in Feature Settings:

Thank you - I’m just having a go at getting the new bolt.diy installed now :slight_smile:

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Hey guys, complete newbie to all of this. Never wrote a single line of code before, but I managed to somehow download bolt.diy locally on my computer last night successfully & have been playing around with it since. I have no idea how to use docker, but it seems people are having a better UI experience there.

My question is about optimizing tokens on the local platform. I’m currently using OpenAI API because I’m experiencing some trouble with deepseek, but as soon as I start making real progress on a project, I get hit with a token limit error message & I can no longer continue with that chat.

I notice people have mentioned adding some code to help fix this, but I don’t even know where to paste that code in my local bolt.diy. I don’t see the same UI experience being shared in the screenshots here, nor do I see a settings panel in the local bolt.diy, so I’m a bit lost.

Please be patient with me because this is all extremely new to me & I have no idea what I’m doing here.