Is the Login broken?

I create my account on mobile for this site. I tried login in on desktop and was constantly redirected to sign up. I think there is something wrong. I even tried an incognito window with no chrome extensions activated. I had no choice but to create a new account and even then, still had trouble. I’m finally in here but now I have two accounts. Anyone else experienced this? But if you’re logged out, you can’t comment right? Well hopefully it’s a temporary issue.

Welcome and thanks for reporting

@ColeMedin think thats for your discouse guy to check :slight_smile:

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Thank you @leex279 @ColeMedin

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Thanks @luisortizdavis and @leex279! I messaged our Discourse dev about this. Since it’s the weekend he probably won’t get back to me today but we’ll see tomorrow.

ok thank you. I appreciate it.

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