Is it possible to edit the .env.local file after the image and container are built?

As the title reads. I’m basically wondering If I can get into the built container or image (however docker works) and maybe get onto its command line and then be able to edit THE .env.local file that is inside that container?

Or is it just easier to edit the file in the repository and then rebuild the image again?

Great question! The .env.local file is used at build time to set the environment variables for the container, so you have to rebuild if you change it.

If you want to edit API keys quickly, you can always run outside of Docker (with pnpm) or set the API keys within the UI!

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Could you explain the difference between .env and .env.local ?
Do I need both?

Note: I run the Docker version

The readme does say to rename the file from .env.example to .env.local

Yes, but the docs also refer to a .env file. (It may be legacy from I am hoping that one of the developers will resolve the confusion.

Generally speaking, your environment variables will be different between your local development and your production environments. Different database details, for example. An .env.local file would be used for running oTToDev locally, while .env is usually used in production.

In regard to oTToDev, the docker configuration is set up to use .env.local, which is why you need to use it. If you have .env, then it wouldn’t be included in the docker build.


its possible to edit the file after the image is created if you mount the app folder into a host local folder… all the files will be synced and you can then edit the env file , and restart the container


Cool… well thanks for all the valuable info. I think I get it. The image would have to be rebuilt using refactored code that changes the name of the file. Something like that?

But you can get in there and alter configuration details of the file. I don’t have a lot of experience with Docker but I think I get what you are saying.

Just curious is the following also an an alternative way to do it? I think I once logged into the shell of a running instance? Don’t know if I remember that right. Is that also a way to go about it?

Think what @thecodacus ment is adjusting the docker-compose file to mount a specific file or folder from the host to the docker container, as descriped here: docker - How to mount a single file in a volume - Stack Overflow

Then you can edit the file, restart the docker container and it should use the current changes from the host.


Oh, I see…

Well I thought there was a security measure in place with whereby the any sensitive configuration information (api keys) is run through the build system so that it becomes kept hidden (ie: not in a plain text file anywhere). Wouldn’t mounting a plain text file with that in it be creating a possible security issue for you if you are working in certain environments?

the main security concern is I believe is adding env file into the docker image. cause if you then publish this image it will have all the apiKeys saved in the image.

but a volume is a temporary thing that you can use to only modify the content of a running container. the image remains unchanged.

also this method might not work for prod container, I am not sure if the prod build version uses the env file or not


I see. Thanks for the clarification - I learned something from you today.

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