interactive prompt that I can't navigate

Stuck in Vite Project Creation Prompt in WebContainer

Issue Description

I’m trying to create a new Vite project in WebContainer (Stackblitz-like environment), but I’m stuck in an interactive prompt that I can’t navigate:

npx create-vite@latest . --template react --yes
npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: create-vite@6.1.0
? Current directory is not empty. Please choose how to proceed: › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯   Cancel operation
    Remove existing files and continue
    Ignore files and continue

The arrow keys don’t work, and I can’t select any option. This seems to be a limitation of the WebContainer environment.


  • WebContainer environment
  • Trying to create a Vite + React project
  • Using npx create-vite@latest


Has anyone encountered this issue in WebContainer? What’s the recommended way to:

  1. Either bypass the interactive prompt
  2. Or create a Vite project from scratch in WebContainer
  3. Or handle directory cleanup in this environment

Any workarounds or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated!

#webcontainer #vite #troubleshooting

Hey @Ikemane! Is this within The LLM will typically create the Vite project on your behalf.