I Am Getting The "There was an error processing your request" error

I am using PnPm and it works for a few prompts and then starts giving me the error - Nothing showing in Terminal or f12 - The API (OpenRouter) is not getting the request at all - Any ideas?

Posted in live chat by @hlsitech

What model(s) are you trying to use through Openrouter?

I have tried multiple and also tried using the Google api with the same result.

Probably a dumb question but just to confirm, non-free models right and you have available credits?

No dumb questions! - All paid models and have credits…

I use Openrouter almost exclusively now, and just tried the latest version with no issues, so I don’t have any ideas off the top of my head.

And you added your API keys to the env file. I have found sometimes it looks for the .env and sometimes .env.local but if it works “sometimes”, this shouldn’t be the case.