How to Check if I Have the Latest Version of Bolt.DIY Installed via Pinokio?

Hi Guys

I asked Bolt.DIY what version it was running, and it replied with “Version 00.1.” However, when I asked how to update to the latest version, it said there was no need to update because it updates automatically. I then asked why it initially reported being on Version 00.1 if it updates periodically. I want to ensure I’m not running an outdated version. How can I be 100% sure I’m on the latest version of Bolt.DIY installed via Pinokio?

Hi @mitchiem,

the LLMs do not know / got the info which version is running. You can see it in the Settings->Debug Tab

I cant tell you how to update on pinoccio, as this is nothing maintained but this core-team. This question you need to ask the pinoccio team / community / in their git.

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Appreciated Lexx279. I will do that.
