Hi everyone, loved Cole's first live stream and hope for more soon

I go by Jubilee, Jene in the Live Chat during the stream, and hope to grow in my learning of how to use Bolt, OttoDev and AI in general to build apps and software. :nerd_face:

My goal and or dream is to be able to create something large enough that it breaks the generational curse my family has had of not being able to build wealth and leave a legacy behind for my future generations. :muscle:t4: :money_mouth_face:

I believe this is one of the best times to be alive, technology and opportunity wise, because there is nothing holding us back other than ourselves. I have never been able to monetize anything so quickly as I have with AI and now to be able to create apps and eventually software is AMAZING! :star_struck: :raised_hands:t4:

AI is, to me, the ultimate equalizer shoring up the gap between the haves and the have nots! :sunglasses:

Let’s gooooo! :running_woman:t4:

So a HUGE thank you @ColeMedin for your amazing talents, time and energy plus the gift of this Discourse and OttoDev! :clap:t4: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What’s everyone else’s plans with OttoDev and or Bolt? :thinking:


Thank you for the kind words @Jubilee! I love your goal and I truly hope oTToDev can be one of the tools to help you get there!