Has anyone tried to integrate BOLT.DY with TS-FIX

If you’re working with Bolt.diy, a framework or toolchain for building applications, and you want to use ts-fix to automatically fix TypeScript errors in your Bolt.diy project, the process is quite similar to what I described earlier. However, there might be some specific considerations depending on how Bolt.diy is set up and how TypeScript is integrated into its workflow.

Here’s how you can use ts-fix with Bolt.diy:

1. Install ts-fix

First, install ts-fix in your Bolt.diy project. You can install it locally as a development dependency:

npm install ts-fix --save-dev

Alternatively, if you prefer global installation:

npm install -g ts-fix

2. Run ts-fix in Your Bolt.diy Project

Once installed, navigate to the root directory of your Bolt.diy project and run ts-fix:

Locally installed:

npx ts-fix

Globally installed:


This will analyze your TypeScript files and attempt to automatically fix any errors it can resolve.

3. Configure ts-fix (Optional)

If your Bolt.diy project has a specific directory structure or you want to customize how ts-fix works, you can create a tsfix.config.json file in the root of your project. For example:

  "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "app/**/*.ts"],
  "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"],
  "fixes": ["addMissingImports", "fixIncorrectTypes"]
  • include: Specify the directories or files to analyze (e.g., src, app).
  • exclude: Specify directories or files to ignore (e.g., node_modules, dist).
  • fixes: Specify the types of fixes to apply (e.g., addMissingImports, fixIncorrectTypes).

4. Integrate ts-fix into Your Bolt.diy Workflow

You can integrate ts-fix into your Bolt.diy build or development workflow by adding it to your package.json scripts. For example:

  "scripts": {
    "fix": "ts-fix",
    "build": "ts-fix && bolt build",
    "dev": "ts-fix && bolt dev"
  • The fix script runs ts-fix to automatically fix TypeScript errors.
  • The build script runs ts-fix before building your Bolt.diy project.
  • The dev script runs ts-fix before starting the development server.

5. Run ts-fix as Part of Your Workflow

  • To fix errors before committing code:
    npm run fix
  • To build your project with automatic fixes:
    npm run build
  • To start the development server with automatic fixes:
    npm run dev

6. Combine ts-fix with Other Tools

Bolt.diy might already use tools like ESLint or Prettier for linting and formatting. You can combine ts-fix with these tools for a more robust workflow. For example:

  • Add a lint script to your package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "lint": "eslint --ext .ts,.tsx .",
        "lint:fix": "eslint --ext .ts,.tsx --fix .",
        "fix": "ts-fix",
        "build": "ts-fix && bolt build"
  • Run ts-fix and ESLint together:

    npm run fix && npm run lint:fix

7. Review Changes

After running ts-fix, review the changes it made to ensure they align with your project’s requirements. While ts-fix is powerful, it’s not perfect, and some manual adjustments might still be necessary.

Example Workflow for Bolt.diy

Here’s an example workflow for using ts-fix in a Bolt.diy project:

  1. Install ts-fix:

    npm install ts-fix --save-dev
  2. Add scripts to package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "fix": "ts-fix",
        "build": "ts-fix && bolt build",
        "dev": "ts-fix && bolt dev"
  3. Run ts-fix to fix errors:

    npm run fix
  4. Build your project:

    npm run build
  5. Start the development server:

    npm run dev


  • If Bolt.diy uses a custom TypeScript configuration (e.g., tsconfig.json), ensure that ts-fix respects it. By default, ts-fix will use the nearest tsconfig.json in your project.
  • If you encounter issues with ts-fix, check the official GitHub repository for updates or troubleshooting tips.

Let me know if you need further assistance with Bolt.diy or ts-fix! :blush: