Error installing

I has installed version, it had lot of issues, but atleast the installtion was successful. but I am trying to install the latest version and I am seeing below error.

“WARN[0000] The “AWS_BEDROCK_CONFIG” variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
env file /Users/xxxxxxx/Desktop/Clients/Bolt AI/ not found: stat /Users/xxxxxxx/Desktop/Clients/Bolt AI/ no such file or directory”

Hi @samch2347,

did you see the install videos and it was still bad for you to install?

looks like you mixed something up or did just not createt the .env.local file.

You wrote in the first sentence you installed version 0.0.5 but the errors is about 0.0.6 Version (what would be the correct one).

Thank you for the quick response !.
I installed using the steps mentioned on git. I will take a look at the video, I will update if I still have any issues!

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I had this error when I had just a .env file. I copied my .env to .env.local. fixed it. I had to keep both files because if I deleted the .env file, most of the environments variables were not getting set.

@sfason65 on local install or you talking about docker, because this is a different issue?

Docker. Just sharing what worked for me when I had the exact same error going from .05 to .06.

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