I has installed bolt.diy-0.0.5 version, it had lot of issues, but atleast the installtion was successful. but I am trying to install the latest version and I am seeing below error.
“WARN[0000] The “AWS_BEDROCK_CONFIG” variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
env file /Users/xxxxxxx/Desktop/Clients/Bolt AI/bolt.diy-0.0.6/.env.local not found: stat /Users/xxxxxxx/Desktop/Clients/Bolt AI/bolt.diy-0.0.6/.env.local: no such file or directory”
Thank you for the quick response !.
I installed using the steps mentioned on git. I will take a look at the video, I will update if I still have any issues!
I had this error when I had just a .env file. I copied my .env to .env.local. fixed it. I had to keep both files because if I deleted the .env file, most of the environments variables were not getting set.