Error: not producing results (standard error message)

thx, but can you clear the console. Then send the prompt and provide the screenshot of this, if there are any errors anymore.

Do you have any plugins/addons in your browser regarding Ad-Block or such stuff?

:white_check_mark: I could not answer anymore cause of discourse block for 15hours => he chattet with me and we just did a websession to analyse the problem.

In short => it looks like the main branch does not work on Ubuntu at the moment. With switching to the stable branch it worked.
Also here again the confustion between main/stable for new users @aliasfox @thecodacus

We should also make sure the next stable branch is working on Ubuntu as well. I can test this out these days with a VM, but I am sure @urban.RBDR is also happy to assist/help with testing then.

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I can test it too. Needed to spin something up anyways.

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yes all the changes are mainly done for next release… not just need to thoroughly test everything with all the PRs combined together. lets make this release address as much as bugs as possible

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Hello everyone.

Yes, I am happy to help anyway I can. I’ll keep a lookout over the threads, otherwise feel free to message me direct on

leex279, thank you so much for your time and dedication !

The program works very fine for me, previews and exports included.


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