Enhancing bolt.diy: Local Database, Authentication, and Webcontainer Improvements

Hello everybody,

I’ve been using bolt.new for some time and recently discovered the bolt.diy project, which I found to be a great initiative.
At first, I encountered some issues that bothered me, such as the client-side database (IndexedDB), the lack of an access password, and, more recently, I found out that the web container is private.

So, I decided to modify bolt.diy with the little knowledge I have, and with the help of AI, I managed to set up a local PostgreSQL database.
My next step is to implement an authentication system.
After that, I plan to modify the web container to make it easier to manage project files.


Hey bro could you share your github repo I would like to implement the login and database

Hi @Techno-Trek,

thanks for your post. A few hints/comments on this:

  • local database is alreay in place in the main branch and more coming in the future (core team working on that)
  • Authentication can be done e.g with cloudflare zero trust if you deploy there or you just use a reverse proxy before (will be enhanced in the future)
  • Webcontainers cant be enhanced by this team, as they are a commercial product for stackblitz (bolt.new). They work currently on a update e.g. to NodeJS 20

Addition: Make sure you check all open PRs to know what people working on and you dont invest time for things which are already done by other or they are still working on. We had this a few times now :wink:

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The local database of the bolt.diy project is local to the indexedDB type, which makes the data insecure because all you have to do is clean the page and you’ll lose everything.
To minimize this you may have to save the project on an external drive.
but it would be much simpler to have a database like postgres.

When I talk about webcontainer I know that it is its own application, but I talk about using webvm for example or something similar.

thanks for the explanation.

I know, but I also now some core members als work on stuff like that and there was a discussion already startet changing the vm to another one, but as we got help and more developers also from stackblitz will maybe join the project, I dont think we will change it to another webcontainer.

Just want to make sure you are not wasting time with it and then you are disappointed when its not merged into the product, cause this is one of the bigger changes, which is not done fast.

But lets hear other opinions on this from the core team => @Bolt-diy-core-team

Addition: See also: Files management – architecture - #12 by private.winters.bf3