Dynamically generating Agent tools

I have tried to extend the Pydantic AI agent class. My extended agent will have in-built features that it will generate and register a required tool dynamically. Since LLM models can generate code, and in python it is possible to generate a code and register it within the running context environment so I thought it may be good experiment to extend the default Agent class in Pydantic AI. Here is the code,

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pydantic_ai import Agent, RunContext
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import ast
import os
import asyncio
from pydantic_ai import Tool
from app.agents.tools import TOOLS
import logfire
import json
import logging


# Example: `function_arguments` = "def add_tool(ctx: RunContext[str], a: int, b: int") -> int", `function_code` = "return a + b", `function_docstring` = "This tool adds two numbers a and b. Args: a: int, b: int. Returns: int".

class Genie(Agent):

    def __init__(self, model, name, system_prompt, deps_type, result_type, tools):

        tools = [self.generate_tool, self.load_page]
        system_prompt = f"""
        You are a powerful assistant. You have access to the some tools.

        If you encounter a task you cannot perform with your existing tools, you MUST use the 'generate_tool' tool to create a new tool.
        After generating the tool, you MUST try to use the newly generated tool to perform the task.
        If the user asks you to create a tool, you MUST use the 'generate_tool' tool. Please call the tool with correct number of arguments.
        """ + system_prompt

        super().__init__(model=model, name=name, system_prompt=system_prompt,
                         deps_type=deps_type, result_type=result_type, tools=tools)

    async def run(self, query):
        response = await super().run(query)
        return response

    def generate_tool(self, ctx: RunContext[str], function_arguments: str, function_code: str, function_docstring: str) -> str:
        This tool dynamically generates code in python for a tool for the provided `function_arguments`, `function_code` and `function_docstring`.
        Sometimes you may want to generate a tool dynamically based on the user's input. This tool does exactly that.
        Every argument is a string, and the return value should be a string as well.
        Please add "ctx: RunContext[str]" as the first argument in the `function_arguments` to access the context in which the tool operates.


        If there is a tool required to add two numbers, the params will be like, 
        `function_arguments` = "def add_tool(ctx: RunContext[str], a: int, b: int") -> int", `function_code` = "return a + b", `function_docstring` = "This tool adds two numbers a and b. Args: a: int, b: int. Returns: int".

        If there is a tool required to subtract b from a, the params will be like, 
        `function_arguments` = "def subtract_tool(ctx: RunContext[str], a: int, b: int") -> int", `function_code` = "return a - b", `function_docstring` = "This tool subtractsb from a. Args: a: int, b: int. Returns: int".

        Note: Just remember these are just examples, you can create any tool you want.

            ctx: RunContext[str], The context in which the tool operates.
            function_arguments: str, The signature of the tool.
            function_code: str, The code of the tool.
            function_docstring: str, The detailed docstring of the tool that describes the tool, arguments and return type.

            str: The generated tool code.

        generated_code = f"""


        tree = ast.parse(generated_code)
        function_def = next((node for node in ast.walk(
            tree) if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)), None)

        function_name = function_def.name

        exec_globals = {"RunContext": RunContext}
        exec(generated_code, exec_globals)

        generated_function = exec_globals.get(function_name)


        return f"Tool '{function_name}' successfully generated and registered."

    def load_page(self, ctx: RunContext[str], url: str) -> str:
        Fetches the web page given by the `url` and returns the contents.


        logfire.info(f"Loading page: {url}")
        content = ""
        with sync_playwright() as p:
            # Launch the browser in headless mode
            browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=True)
            page = browser.new_page()

            # Navigate to the URL

            # Wait for the page to fully load

            # Get the rendered HTML
            content = page.content()

        return content

model = os.getenv("LLM_MODEL")

agent = Genie(

async def main():

    query = "Can you add 2 and 3?"
    result = await agent.run(query)


I am able to query this agent to add and/or subtract numbers. It generates the required tool and uses it on the fly. But there are still some problems to address.

First of all, it only works for one operation, secondly, sometimes it gives an error that I am not able to figure out how to debug it (even I have tried to use python debugger, but it seems the response from LLM makes it difficult to debug).

Any enthusiastic who wants to think and work in this line, please try to use this code and fix it if you can. Please give me the solution as well.

First thing I notice is it seems to be defining system_prompt and then assigning it to itself in the same line? That definitely seems like it might cause some quirky behavior, but maybe I am misunderstanding. On the first run I think this would be fine, but on each after it would likely grow the prompt recursively.

The fix is easy enough though, just define it as another variable:

new_system_prompt = f"""{some_message}""" + system_prompt

super().__init__(model=model, name=name, system_prompt=new_system_prompt, ...

Also, I might fix the indention format:

generated_code = f"""

You may want to do an error check for function_def if None/Null.

Where is self._register_tool() coming from, I don’t see it defined in the Genie class?

Also, using async with normal synchronous functions could cause some side effects, but I’d have to create some tests myself to check this.

And sometimes when developing, I print out everything (with a “debug” flag) as a sanity check and have gotten into the habit of using a decorator (aka. “wrapper” function) class around my “main” to handle verbose logging, etc. But that would be another discussion.

Good luck!

The line,

system_prompt = f"""
        You are a powerful assistant. You have access to the some tools.

        If you encounter a task you cannot perform with your existing tools, you MUST use the 'generate_tool' tool to create a new tool.
        After generating the tool, you MUST try to use the newly generated tool to perform the task.
        If the user asks you to create a tool, you MUST use the 'generate_tool' tool. Please call the tool with correct number of arguments.
        """ + system_prompt

will be called once, when the agent is initialized. There is no recursive assignment here. The lines,

generated_code = f"""

has no problem, it works as expected. I have tested the resulting code indentation when the code is generated and registered in the context.

The _register_tool function is from the parent class (where I am extending from), that works as well. It correctly registers the new tool function.

My only problem is actually I am new to Pydantic AI (and trying to read some articles to gain more knowledge) that is why I am not able to debug the problem that occurs when I run this code. If I give one example in generate_tool, for example for addition, and when I give query about adding two numbers it correctly generates the tool, registers and calls it. But I am not able to make it general.

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Fair enough, but I think anyone trying to assist would need to work through the problem and code itself. And this maybe isn’t the forum for that. Unless you found someone to collab and refactor with you.