@leex279 Hello Thomas how are you? btw thanks for responding!
On bolt new to connect supabase is a top right button! How can I do it on diy? It is into env? I set API keys on env, but it does not allow the llms automatically, I had to insert manually.
The deployment environment that is allowed own bolt.new is allowed here on diy as well?
Another thing is, in my stack above, I have too exec both services? prod and dev like I did, or just one of them?
Another idea is how can we put the engine to continue automatically like autogpt and delivery everything that we ordered?
How Can I connect my bolt self hosted with my postgres? I have use bolt.new to test and help the project with U$25/ After that experience I wanna try it out more times to test in my swarm enviroment! I undertsand that it will be much more strong soon so I understand the releases will kepp going on and show up better!
=> there is no supabase integration for bolt.diy at the moment
=> there is no deployment environment for bolt.diy
=> you just need one, depending on what you want to do. if you use it for a productive instance that should be stable and running properly I would use production
=> At the moment there is nothing you can do. The Team is currently planning the next steps, adjusting the roadmap then and implementing needed features.
=> I hope we can give an update soon, what features are plannend and coming soon
=> I dont have a solution for that / did try doing it.
=> You need to implement a connection in your webapp to your progres
=> therefore, I guess, your progres and bolt.diy instance need to be on https, otherwise you get CORS problems
=> you need to test it out and see where you get stuck. Maybe somelese has more ideas/experience and will answer here.
=> it also something that maybe fixed soon with fixes coming from the dev-team (like are cors-fix at all, what I just saw as PR)
bolt.diy is a fork of bolt.new and it does not automatically get features from bolt.new production, as they have another system landscape and also need unique selling points for their product. But they will contribute and we discuss with stackblitz/bolt.new which features we may can get or they can tell us how to implement it ourself.
Important is to keep in mind, that this project is fully driven by the community and the people working on it doing it in their free time, besides their actual work, famlies, etc. So there cant be fixed timelines when to deliver something, but I am sure all giving the best to make it the best AI IDE you can get (I think like that @ColeMedin always saying it in his videos )