Deploying with Cloudflare Pages (the easy way!)

Interesting. I like it. Arguably wrong though due to the latest changes to (using stable instead of main) and the fact that it didn’t mention modifying the build command for pnpm, there are several comments of people having issues with it. I still have to create a new PDF (but the link will stay the same). Thanks.

didnt watch it totally, but thought already doing one my own :smiley: But I guess I will wait till the next release and your changes and we are sure it works and mostly stays then the same for some time

I’m not sure what causes this, but please try the following and let us know if one works:

  • Make sure to delete the ".tool-versions" & "wrangler.toml" files from your cloned fork and commit the changes (see guide).
  • Make sure there are not equals signs in your environment variables
  • Make sure to set the compatability_flags date and nodejs_compat
  • Ensure you are using the stable branch (see latest docs)
  • Only modification is to delete the two files from your cloned repo
  • And follow all of the instructions

Please note that we can’t support every mod someone might make (basically makes things impossible to troubleshoot), so I’d only recommend making changes if you know exactly what you are doing. Not saying that’s what you did, but for those that have and ran into issues… it’s best to start cleanly.

Good luck!

You totally should. There are many other topics to cover. One that comes to mind would actually be a deep dive on the points I raised here. I think there are likely plenty of people who don’t know what options there are available to them or where to start.

Just food for thought and I do plan on making more articles… but I would also like to move the finalized version somewhere else.


I did enter tthe thing from step 9, if thats what you mean?

I’d suggest revoking your key. You don’t want to share that.

Anyways, looking at your logs you have a couple of problems.

Date and Time Error Message
2024-12-27T23:05:49.780613Z Successfully read wrangler.toml file.
2024-12-27T23:05:49.92346Z Found a .tool-versions file in user-specified root directory. Installing dependencies.
2024-12-27T23:05:50.373802Z pnpm plugin is not installed

The instructions tell you to delete the wrangler.toml, .tool-versions, and re-deploy because they will cause the deployment to fail. Specifically .tool-versions will try to use pnpm before it’s installed.

Please follow the instructions completely.

Remove the files, re-deploy and use the stable branch.

ok i deletted those files from the stable branch, but i will delete from main branch aswell and retry

Note: we are not going to use wrangler and because of this the initial
deployment will fail with error: Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Uncaught Error: No such module "node:process". imported from "functionsWorker-{cache_hash_key_value}.js"

Please read the instructions: remove the wrangler.toml file and set the compatibility flags (date & nodejs_compat) before re-deploying.

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What causes it to load like this

@kingreal123 welcome, I would guess you are on the wrong branch.
Are you on main branch oder stable? (stable is correct)

i am using stable branch

Cloudflare Pages or Local install? And did you make sure to use pnpm and not npm?

i am using pnpm

This has happened once before to me, but when I re-deployed it, the styling issue went away… maybe due to the cache. Can you try that?

i just cleared cache but it still shows the same styling, i will wait for a couple of hours since i only deployed it 2 hours ago

Just go into settings, select the latest build and re-deploy. Do you have any browser plugins that might be causing the issues?

Maybe try my deployment, does it render okay?

yea yours work fine, as for plugins, i use brave browser with ublock origin

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Try using chrome. I tried Brave as well last week and had some problems with it and bolt.

I just tried using chrome, still having the same issue.

Is there anything else i could check on my side regarding this