Deploy to production

Hi everyone, does anyone know what steps would be required to deploy a fork of the codebase to production on our own domain?

Hi Erick, can you give more description of your infrastructure/use-case? I am working on some automated deployment code for public cloud and the next few steps will be more bare metal/on-premise deployment. Happy to discuss or assist where I can.

Steps to Push Code to GitHub and Deploy to Netlify

  1. Connect to GitHub

    • Ensure you have a GitHub account. If you don’t, create one at
    • Make sure is connected to your GitHub account. This is necessary to push your code.
  2. Push Code to GitHub

    • Click the Code button in your project.
    • Select Push to GitHub.
    • Choose the repository where you want to push your code (or create a new one if needed).
  3. Deploy to GitHub and Netlify

    • Once your code is pushed to GitHub, go to Netlify.
    • Connect your GitHub repository to Netlify.
    • Follow the prompts to deploy your site. Netlify will automatically build and host your project.

This version is more concise, organized, and easier to follow. Let me know if you need further adjustments! :blush:

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I’m running my own fork of this in Dokploy, which uses Nixpacks to deploy web apps like this. However, after deploying and routing via Traefik I see errors like this which makes me think something is wrong with the Docker environment. So after generating a project, the preview doesn’t work (just shows empty screen).

Any ideas how to fix? Thanks in advance.

index-CojMVRWf.js:153 [Preview] Error setting up watchers: TypeError: (intermediate value).addEventListener is not a function
    at #l (index-CojMVRWf.js:153:2580)

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, watch '/home/project/**/*'
    at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace2 (
    at __node_internal_uvException2 (
    at FSWatcher.<computed> (
    at (
    at ([eval]#cjs:1:2092)
    at MessagePort._0x13f9ae (

The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.