cant find .env.exemple on my mac to rename it even i run command : ```
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
cant find .env.exemple on my mac to rename it even i run command : ```
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
It’s misleading now with the latest update, but you need to enable the API providers you want to use in the settings. Use the left slide out menu and click the gear icon.
And on Linux/Mac files that start with period (.) are hidden. Without using the terminal, off the top of my head I can’t remember how to edit them. I’m not a huge Apple/Mac user.
Yeah, that’s what I thought as well. It would be nice to put the keys in the settings directly, but that’s not how the code is written. The PROVIDER_KEYS block (basically JSON logic) would need to be extracted from the code and a small architectural change made.
So basically the .env variable is still where you set them, you just now also have to enable them (which I’m not mad about, just figured you’d be able to set everything there). But overall, it is an improvement, just not particularly straight forward.
this section is just to enable and disable the providers… from latest update you will have all the providers enabled by default. you can clear the browser cache to confirm that.
for api keys you can set that from chatbox
that worked , thank you so much