Cannot find module error


I was able to use docker and run code locally. Problem i was running into was that i never got preview of app. Today i did a git pull and when i did docker build and then ran it throws error stating “Internal server error: Cannot find module ‘js-cookie’ imported from '/app/app/components/chat/BaseChat.tsx”


copy and past that error into the chat box and ask to fix :grin:

Problem is chat bot is not loading at all. Might have to ask Chatgpt lolll

Having same issue after syncing the fork.
Let’s post serious replies

Can anyone having this problem verify that js-cookie is in package.json dependencies? On main I’m seeing version ^3.0.5. You may need to pnpm install and build the container again after some recent merges.

I’ll keep an eye on this, but I think that’s the issue.

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The issue is only with docker setup.
No errors when running via pnpm run dev.

For sure, but I do believe the pnpm install is necessary in order to include the dependencies that will bake into the docker container. If I’m wrong there, my apologies; going from memory away from the computer.

I tried the following steps but didn’t help:

  1. pnpm install
  2. npm run dockerbuild

Just wondering if docker has been confirmed before merging into the main branch :wink:

After removing all stuff related to the current docker build from docker-desktop and re-running the following fixed the issue:

npm run dockerbuild