Bolt terminal does not display

Error: (firefox latest no extensions)…using online Openrouter.

Failed to spawn bolt shell

Worker.postMessage: The WebAssembly.Memory object cannot be serialized. The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy HTTP headers can be used to enable this.

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supposed to use Chrome Canary I thought?

I used all possible browsers…Chrome, Chrome Canary, Firefox, Brave etc…No joy…same error.
Rebuilt the dev docker after latest pulls and same.

yes i noticed it 2, not always sometimes it happens, not sure why, but i dont use docker!

This is a couple of days old, thanks for your patience. I’d suggest git pull of latest, pnpm install and then attempt your Docker run again. If there’s still an issue reply here and I’ll dig up the other reference to this error.

It may be in github issues or this community site if you want to search for WebAssembly - I would do so but it’s kinda late on my end. Welcome :wave:

have you seen this post, is it the same issue? Failed to spawn bolt shell - Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': SharedArrayBuffer transfer requires self.crossOriginIsolated

I spung up a new windows VM to test this “Cross-Origin” issue and I was able to bypass the error or reproduce it at will. The bypass is just a workaround not a solution as I am able to get the code to run in the bolt window only. We will need to pinpoint the exact setting that needs to be disabled/allowed in your browser, so yes, the workaround is to go into “Internet Option” and set it to a custom setting with most option set to allow allowed along with XSS filter. As stated this is not a solution as I bypass most of the browser security settings. Help! Cross-origin. Can't get this working for the life of me!