December 12, 2024, 7:08pm
Im trying to setup bolt.diy on Debian. I followed the steps on the Gihub page and able to start the server. I have Gemini API key setup in the .env file, but when the server comes up I get the message
No providers are currently enabled. Please enable at least one provider in the settings to start using the chat.
Both docker and pnpm end up with the same message
December 12, 2024, 10:28pm
Facing this issue, too. Think there is something buggy with the latest commits on main. Yesterday worked fine for me.
December 12, 2024, 10:50pm
Found the problem I guess. There was a change this day and maybe thats wrong or should be implement different (I´m not a good coder)
committed 10:25AM - 12 Dec 24 UTC
If you set line 26 to the one with “||” instead of “&&” its working for me
December 12, 2024, 11:58pm
Thanks @leex279 that worked !
line 26 in what file?
oh I see. this file: “useSettings.tsx”
indeed. changing it to || did solve the issue!
December 13, 2024, 11:03am
you can see the file, when clicking on the commit-link in my post.
File: app/lib/hooks/useSettings.tsx
=> But you dont need it anymore. It´s already fixed by the developers in the main branch. Just do a git pull to get latest version and it should work.
I am new to git, so I am not used to the pull thing. you mean I should do this again?: git clone https://github.com/stackblitz-labs/bolt.diy.git
December 13, 2024, 5:54pm
You dont have to clone again. Just open the terminal/shell within the folder you already cloned bolt.
Guess best for you is getting the stable release.
Open a shell/terminal in your bolt.diy Folder
Switch to stable branch with “git switch stable ”
Pull changes with “git pull origin stable ”
Install with “pnpm install ”
Start with “pnpm run dev ” (or build as you prefer / already did)
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