Allowed libraries for React UI components

Can we use libraries like shadcn and lucide when making custom ui for our agent? Or does it need to be pure Tailwind?

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Great question! Something I should clarify in the docs.

Please feel free to use ShadCN and Lucide! I’d just stray away from using massive libraries but most are certainly welcome.

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Hello @ColeMedin. Is there an example for this? Any example worflow that outputs custom react components


Here’s the example from the docs/dev guide: ottomator-agents/~voiceflow-dialog-api-integration~/VoiceflowFrontendComponent.tsx at main · coleam00/ottomator-agents · GitHub

What I did is is just copy paste the structure of the data I’m storing into v0 and just using v0 to make the react components

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Thanks @kai-feinberg! Hope that helps @harusama8121!