Hey there, I’m having issues running ottodev on my network and trying to access it over the network. This seems to be causing issues with CSP/CORS where there are so many references to localhost instead of the given IP address. I’m not sure how we can best make this work with being able to query my ollama models hosted inside of Docker on Windows Subsystem for Linux v2
@mahoney gave a better solution to my workaround, but the Ollama Promise response seems to be looking at the context.ts file, so I changed from localhost to my IP. Mahoney explained that it maybe better to use the loopback address instead of ip depending on your setup.
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I am so glad whenever I can help! If anyone runs into similar problems and gets stuck, and finds this thread please feel free to ask questions so we can get you running. Really appreciate the feedback @gngglobetech thanks!
Also, dealing with CORS sucks so much. Thanks for digging in, CORS issue workarounds/fixes will end up in a FAQ for sure.