HI @ColeMedin, do you have the prompt from your video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Wh4SpRoao
Yes i am being lazy. I finally got the preview working today and would like to copy/paste your prompt to play around with.
HI @ColeMedin, do you have the prompt from your video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Wh4SpRoao
Yes i am being lazy. I finally got the preview working today and would like to copy/paste your prompt to play around with.
I sure do!
First prompt:
Create me a React chat interface with Tailwind where I can send in a message and it replies back with a sample message.
Second prompt:
Now please include the following features:
UI Requirements:
Header (60px height, background: #0F172A) with app title in Inter font, #F8FAFC
Main chat area with deep background #020617
Fixed input area with #1E293B background and subtle #334155 top border
User messages: Right-aligned, background #3B82F6, text #FFFFFF
AI responses: Left-aligned, background #334155, text #E2E8F0
Timestamps in #64748B, 12px font size
Maximum message width: 80% of container
Message padding: 12px 16px
Border radius: 12px
Gap between messages: 16px
Three bouncing dots animation
Color: #94A3B8
Subtle fade in/out
Desktop: 90% width, max-width 1200px
Mobile: 100% width, 12px padding
UX Features:
Dark textarea with #334155 background
Border: 1px solid #475569
Focus border: #3B82F6
Placeholder text color: #64748B
Send button: #3B82F6 (hover: #2563EB)
Height: 44px base
Subtle dark scrollbar (#1E293B track, #334155 thumb)
Smooth scroll behavior
Bottom padding: 24px
Send button loading state: opacity 0.7
Error messages: #DC2626 background with #FFFFFF text
New message fade-in animation
Disabled input state during AI response
For now just have the AI agent respond with the text “This is a sample message” after waiting 2 seconds with the loading indicator.