I am trying to incrementally give the bot things to do, and it keeps repeating stuff from the previous task. I feel like the bot has too many of its own ideas about what to do. How are you guys getting things done with this ai programmer?
Also what’s up with this behavior from the bot: When I ask it to do something, it goes and does whatever the hell it wants. For example I opened a new chat with the prompt,
“Create a new, blank, empty project, with a single document where you place all of the steps needed to create a React Webapp with tailwindcss and a set of libraries suitable for creating animations and sound effects.”
and the bot creates a basic project structure and all of that I told it not to do.
Using claude sonnect via openrouter. I get the same behavior at bolt.new. Just wondering if there are specific config options I can use to prevent the bot from flying off on its own plan all of the time, repeated prior artifacts, etc.